Kyle Abdelaal, a high school student in the Bronx, is struggling to navigate his life after the tragic loss of his father. His days are marked by procrastination, emotional detachment, and mounting responsibilities as his family—led by his resilient mother—tries to stay afloat. One day, after a stern yet compassionate conversation with his history teacher, Miss Rose, Kyle resolves to change his attitude and start reclaiming his former enthusiasm for life.
However, tragedy strikes when Kyle learns that his mother has collapsed and fallen into a coma. At the hospital, Kyle is confronted by an otherworldly revelation: time slows, and an angel named Uriel appears, revealing that Kyle’s mother’s soul has been stolen using a powerful ancient artifact. This artifact, once unknowingly possessed by Kyle’s mother, now resides in Heaven, taken by an unknown force.
Determined to save his mother, Kyle agrees to embark on a perilous journey to retrieve her soul. Joined unexpectedly by his best friend Josh, the trio sets out to ascend the legendary Stairway to Heaven—a mystical portal connecting Earth and the Heavenly Realm. Along the way, Kyle begins to reconcile with his grief, rediscover his purpose, and confront the complexities of faith, legacy, and the bonds of family.
Stairway to Heaven novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Tezt . Read Stairway to Heaven novel online for free.